Save the Date
14. October 2025 –
19. October 2025
Querbild e.V.
Schanzenstr. 45
20357 Hamburg
36. Hamburg International Queer Film Festival
The Hamburg International Queer Film Festival is Germany’s oldest and biggest queer film festival which really acts up to its name: with a strong focus on parity, the festival was already queer when Judith Butler was still in the process of writing her groundbreaking “Gender Trouble“. Autonomy, equality, and self determination are, and remain, the leading principles of the LSF.
Einmal jährlich im Oktober lockt das Festival rund 15.500 Besucher_innen in die Hamburger Kinos und an die Orte der Rahmenevents. An sechs Tagen werden in 30 – 60 Programmen über 100 Kurz- und Langfilme in verschiedenen Spielstätten gezeigt.
Since 2020, film programs have also been offered online via a streaming platform.
Around 15,500 visitors visit Germany’s largest and longest-running LGBT film festival every year. The colourful and comprehensive selection of films includes everything from feature length feel-good movies and documentaries to politically courageous productions and rarely-seen experimental projects – allowing everyone the chance to find something to get excited about. It is one of Hamburg’s largest film events and screens over 65 programmes and 130 films from around the world in seven locations over six days.
over 65 programmes and 130 films
about 15,500
JURY PRIZE for best feature-length film, including a prize of € 5,000
– URSULA für den jeweils besten lesbischen/schwulen/gender-bender Kurzfilm, dotiert mit 3 x 1.000 €
– GLOBOLA für den besten langen Spielfilm, dotiert mit 1.000 €
– DOKULA für die beste lange Dokumentation, dotiert mit 1.000 € MADE IN GERMANY für den besten deutschen Kurzfilm
Regisseur*innen, Darsteller*innen, Produzent*innen, Kurator*innen
Querbild e.V. is a non-profit organisation.